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Contracts & Configuration

Ohio Master Maintenance Agreement

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Suite-E Dublin, Ohio 43016
Master Agreements

Brown Enterprise Solutions holds three (3) Master Maintenance Agreements (MMAs) with the State of Ohio.

These agreements are accessible to all state agencies, institutions of higher education, and political subdivisions that are registered members of the Cooperative Purchasing Program under the Department of Administrative Services, as applicable.

Our MMAs enable us to effectively address the unique warranty and contract requirements for technology hardware and software products, ensuring seamless support for government agencies.

Ohio Master Maintenance Agreement MMA # 7410 (Hardware)

This contract covers hardware maintenance and repair of ALL types of printers, servers, PCs, laptops, storage equipment and other IT equipment.

Ohio Master Maintenance Agreement MMA # 7485 (Software)

This contract covers extended software maintenance and warranty services for major manufacturers’ software applications.

Ohio Master Maintenance Agreement MMA # 7145 (HP Enterprise)

This contract covers HP Enterprise (HPE) Service Renewals